关于怪人房间乐队 About Weirdo Room Band

怪人房间乐队(怪房乐队,Weirdo Room),是一支成立于2012年冬的中国后摇乐队
Weirdo Room, a Chinese post-rock band formed in the winter of 2012

怪人房间乐队(怪房)是一支组建于古城西安的后摇四人团。2012年底成立至今,乐队成员不断探索试验,作品风格不拘泥于单种形式,积极吸收各类元素丰富织体,内容上强调返璞归真、诚实对待物质与精神。2015年初发行首张EP《We will be back to Sea》,收录《星岛湖》、《瀑布Ⅱ》等早期作品六首,并在北京、上海、成都等地完成了首次的全国十城巡演,参加了北京蘑菇音乐节、西安草莓音乐节、超级公园音乐节、世园音乐节;2016年11月发布单曲《未申》;2019年发行专辑《枝桠》并进行了第二次全国巡演,其中《A.T.C.G》、《NEPAL》等深得后摇乐迷喜爱;2020年6月发行以人声为主导的单曲《退潮》,荣获 #CareForMuisc2020#上半年十大优秀单曲,2021年3月11日发布EP《1℃》展开关于地球气候变化的一次探讨。

Weirdo Room (WR; In Chinese: Guai Ren Fang Jian, Guai Fang) is a post-rock four-piece band formed in the ancient city of Xi’an, China. Since its formation at the end of 2012, the band members have been exploring and experimenting with their music works, which are not limited to a single form, but actively absorbing all kinds of elements to enrich the weave and emphasizing the return to the basics and honesty to the material and spiritual. The band’s debut EP We will be back to Sea was released at the beginning of 2015 and included six songs from their early works such as Sing Tao Lake and Waterfall II, and completed their first ten-city tour in Beijing Mushroom Festival, Shanghai and Chengdu. WR participated in the Beijing Mushroom Music Festival, Xi’an Strawberry Music Festival, Super Park Music Festival, the World Park Music Festival; They released the single track “Wei-Shen” in Nov 2016; in 2019, released the album “Zhi-Ya” and carried out the second national tour, in which “A.T.C.G.”, “NEPAL“, etc. are deeply loved by post-rock fans; in June 2020, the vocal-driven single “Ebbing Tide, Tui-Chao” was released, winning #CareForMuisc2020# Top 10 Outstanding Singles of the first half of the year, and on March 11, 2021, the EP “1°C” was released to launch an exploration of the Earth’s climate change.

乐队成员 Members

从右至左 Right to Left

吉他柴艺超GuitarYi-chao CHAI
贝斯马鸣BassMing MA
夏耘DrumsYun XIA
吉他宿文军GuitarWen-jun SU

感谢所有怪房乐队的既往成员 Thanks to all WR Former Members

吉他刘柏廷2020-2022GuitarBai-ting LIU2019-2022
吉他裴天林2012-2019GuitarTian-lin PEI2012-2019

联系我们 Contact Weirdo Room

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View WR contact info and other social media platforms.

Weirdo Room Official Website 怪人房间乐队官方网站 www.weirdoroom.com